Cookies Policy

TU NUEVA RED DE COMUNICACIÓN, S.L.U., with registered office at Paseo De La Castellana 144 – Planta 14º-B, 28046 – Madrid, with Tax Identification Number B86525086 and registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry, hereinafter ēllu, may use cookies and other similar data storage and retrieval mechanisms on terminal equipment (hereinafter “Cookies”) when you browse our website (hereinafter ēllu web), in order to make your experience more efficient and to allow and facilitate interaction with you, but without identifying you individually. The statistical services used by the ēllu web may use Cookies for the purpose of establishing metrics and patterns of use.

Cookies are not installed on your device until you accept or reject their use, except for those technical (necessary) Cookies whose installation is necessary to facilitate browsing on the ēllu web.

If the installation of the (necessary) technical Cookies is prevented, some functionalities of the ēllu web, as well as some content, may be affected.

In the event that you accept the use of Cookies and this Cookies Policy, the Cookies notice will no longer be displayed during the relevant session. You may also reject or modify the configuration of Cookies using the tool provided for this purpose. The Cookies used by ēllu are only associated with an anonymous user and their terminal equipment, and, therefore, they do not in themselves provide personal data.


Cookies are small data files that contain certain information about the user’s browsing on a website in order to, among other things, store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way users utilise their equipment, they can be used to recognise the user.

Through the use of Cookies, it is possible that the server where the Website is hosted recognises the Web browser used by the user, in order to make browsing easier, allowing, for instance, access to users who have previously registered, access to areas, services, promotions or similar reserved exclusively for them without having to identify yourself on each visit. They are also used to measure audience and traffic parameters, as well as to monitor progress and number of visits.


Privacy is very important to us.

The ēllu Website does not use advertising or third-party cookies. The ēllu Website only obtains information in your browser through the use of its own Cookies.  First-party cookies are those that are sent to your computer from a computer or domain managed by ēllu and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

Cookies information does not identify you individually.


These Cookies are necessary to enable browsing the ēllu web and do not store any personally identifiable information. They allow, for instance, to adjust privacy preferences, to conduct the subscription process, to be assisted by an agent, or to control fraud linked to the security of the service.

As the ēllu web cannot function properly without these Cookies, they are enabled by default.

Supplier Cookie name Duration Purpose
Ecommerce PHPSESSID 1 year Anonymous session identifier
Ecommerce utz 1 year User’s time zone identifier
Intercom intercom-id-[app_id] 9 months Anonymous user identification
Intercom intercom-session-[app_id] 7 days Used to track sessions and remember logins and conversations
Stripe __stripe_mid 1 year They are used to track payment during the purchase at checkout
Stripe __stripe_sid At the end of the session They are used to track payment during the purchase at checkout
One Trust OptanonConsent 1 year Stores the cookie selection and whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent for the use of each category
One Trust OptanonAlertBoxClosed 1 year Stores what has been viewed and interacted with the cookie banner
Imperva visid_incap_XXXXXX 1 year Incapsulates DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall
WordPress wp-wpml_current_language Session It is used to facilitate the user’s web browsing language



These cookies help us to understand how you interact when you browse the ēllu web, gathering and providing information in an aggregated and anonymous manner so that we can improve our service. We will not use this information for other purposes, nor will we share it with third parties.

Supplier Cookie name Duration Purpose
Google Analytics _ga 2 years Analytical cookie to improve usability of the website and app
Google Analytics _gclxxxx 2 years Analytical cookie to maintain session and conversion status



The ēllu web does not use advertising or third party cookies.



The user can disable, reject and delete Cookies —totally or partially— installed on their device by configuring their browser (including, for example, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge and others). In this regard, the procedures for rejecting and deleting Cookies may differ from one Internet browser to another. You should therefore refer to the instructions provided by the Internet browser you are using. In the event that you reject the use of Cookies —totally or partially— you may continue to use the ēllu web, although you may be limited in the use of some of the ēllu web features.

If the installation of the (necessary) technical Cookies is prevented, some functionalities of the ēllu web, as well as some content, may be affected.

Cookies are not installed on your device until you accept or reject their use, except for those technical Cookies whose installation is necessary for the functioning of the ēllu web.

ēllu may modify this Cookies Policy in accordance with legal requirements or to adapt this Policy by indication of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. If there are significant changes to our Cookies Policy, we will notify Users. When you browse ēllu web you are consenting to the use of the Cookies listed above, and under the conditions set out in this Cookies Policy.


You can exercise the following rights by writing to :

  • Right to request access to personal data.
  • Right to request its rectification or erasure.
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Right to object to processing.
  • Right to data portability.
  • Right to withdraw consent at any time.

For more information about the processing of your personal data, please check our Privacy Policy.

You can visit the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency to learn more about your rights, as well as to file a complaint especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights.

This Cookies Policy has been revised and posted as of August 01, 2024.